
Hato Highlights - September 2024


matt - September 4, 2024

Welcome back to Hato, your friendly messenger pigeon delivering all the latest news and updates from the Dojo ecosystem!

In today’s post, we’re introducing a new “Hato Highlights” format. We’ll use these bulletins to share news and updates from across the Dojo ecosystem, showcase current and upcoming games that the community is excited about, and spotlight different ways to get involved.

Hato Highlights: September 2024

Game Update - Force Prime Heroes

Heroes have finally arrived in the land of Force Prime! 

Players can choose one of eight different heroes to play as, each with their own unique stats and advantages. The introduction of heroes should add an interesting twist of complexity and strategy to one of the most popular fully onchain games in all of web3. 

The Force Prime team has also announced its intention to implement several additional features relating to heroes, including Hero Leaderboards and purchasable Hero shards that enable holders to share in the spoils of war.

Heroes are available for all players to try out now! Get your practice runs in ahead of the launch of Season IV next week. You can learn more about how Heroes work in the game by checking the docs.

Slay some Bone Dragons and earn some STRK!

Game Update - Loot Survivor

The Provable Games team is back with the launch of a new version of Loot Survivor. The game is currently live with a major tournament, running now through Sept. 9th, featuring free gas and VRF thanks to Cartridge, Pragma, and Realms.World.

This latest version of Loot Survivor has a ton of changes from the last go-around which you can learn all about here. TL;DR – whole new game, same deadly beasts.

If you’re not yet ready to meet your fate in the dungeons, you can always get your practice runs in today on Sepolia testnet so that you’re ready to slay some beasts in the tournament. In the meantime, the Loot Survivor arcade machine has been taking on all challengers at the Dojo NYC Residency.

Game Preview - Eternum

The Lords have been hard at work cooking up some updates to Realms.World and its first game, Eternum. The team was kind enough to share a sneak peek of its brand new whitepaper, which is expected to release imminently, with a playable alpha version of the game nearing launch in the coming weeks.

Eternum is a high-stakes, fully onchain strategy game played over multiple seasons. The game is expected to be a foundational experience for Realms.World, growing and evolving over time. In Eternum, players are tasked with exploring the world, building settlements, accumulating and trading resources, and expanding outwards to conquer new lands (check out this sneak preview of the game’s combat).This is just the surface of the game, though! We’ll be sure to unpack the layers of Eternum in greater detail when the whitepaper is released.

Tech & Product Updates

On the tech side of the ecosystem, the Dojo 1.0.0 release continues to solidify. The most recent release is 1.0.0-alpha.9, which you can read all about here.

The team is also working on a major refresh of the Dojo book and onboarding documentation, which should make it even easier for new developers to get started with building provable games.

Work is also underway on revamping the Dojo starter projects, providing a broader range of templates to help you kick off your next project. 

We will cover all of this in greater detail in a future edition of Hato. Stay tuned!

Ecosystem Updates

The Dojo NYC Residency Game Jam just wrapped up and the submissions were seriously impressive. Be sure to check out this thread highlighting these projects. Major shoutout to the winners on the Haiku team (you can read all about here)!

To stay up to date with all the latest from across the Dojo ecosystem, be sure to check out the links below:

We’ll see you in the Dojo.