Welcome to Dojo
This release of Dojo includes a number of changes. This document aims to provide a summary of the changes providing an overview of the new features and improvements.
Dojo basics
Dojo is composed of 5 basic resources:
: The smart contract that manages the state of your game, everything is stored here.namespace
: Every resource that is not world or namespace must be namespaced when registered into the world. Namespaces are logical groups of resources, and allow you to organize your resources and permissions.model
(namespaced): A model defines data that can be stored in the world.event
(namespaced): An event also defines data, but meant to be stored offchain.contract
(namespaced): Where you define your business logic, and interact with the world to write/read models and emit events. A function into a contract is called aSystem
, which is an entrypoint for users to interact with the world.
Every resource in the world is identified by a dojo selector, a single felt identifier obtained by hashing.
For human readability, namespaced resources can also be identified by what's called a Tag
, which is a combination of the namespace and the resource name:
. The tag can be used to obtain the dojo selector of the resource.
A single resource can be registered multiple times into the world using different namespaces.
All the resources without exception in the world are permissioned. This means that only the specified addresses can write/own resources. There's only two permissions in Dojo:
: Can write to the resource.owner
: Can grant/revoke writer permissions, can register/upgrade resources.
Interacting with the world and its data
First, when you are inside a dojo contract (define with #[dojo::contract]
), you have to retrieve the world's instance. As mentioned previously, all the resources are namespaced, so you have to specify the default namespace to use:
// Get the world instance, using the namespace "ns":
let world = self.world(@"ns");
This world
instance provides you some functionalities to interact with the world and its data.
// Using the DNS to get a contract address and class hash from its tag.
// Since the default namespace has been set to "ns", the tag identifying
// the resource will be "ns-my_contract".
if let Some((contract_address, class_hash)) = world.dns("my_contract") {
// Do something with the contract address and class hash.
To change the namespace you want to write/read from, you can use the set_namespace
// At this point, using the DNS will return the resource from the "ns2"
// namespace, if it exists.
if let Some((contract_address, class_hash)) = world.dns("my_contract") {
// Do something with the contract address and class hash.
To read/write data to models, you have to import the ModelStorage
use dojo::model::ModelStorage;
struct MyModel {
id: u32,
value: u32,
let mut world = self.world(@"ns");
// Note here the type specified for the compiler, this ensures the
// compiler can infer which data to retrieve:
let id = 1;
let mut model: MyModel = world.read_model(id);
model.value = 123;
The full API of the ModelStorage
can be found here before more documentation is written.
The important concept to keep in mind is that the data stored in the world are identified by the keys
you are adding using #[key]
in models and events.
A model/event can have one or multiple keys. When those keys are hashed, it's called the entity_id
Events are only emitted by the world, and never stored onchain. Instead, Torii will index them and store them in the SQL database. However, they are subjected to the same namespace rules as models.
To emit an event, you have to import the EventStorage
use dojo::event::EventStorage;
struct MyEvent {
id: u32,
value: u32,
let mut world = self.world(@"ns");
let e = MyEvent { id: 1, value: 123 };
As mentioned previously, all the resources are permissioned. Some examples of the permission API:
use dojo::world::IWorldDispatcherTrait;
// How to check that the caller is a owner of the current contract
// executing code:
fn system_1(ref self: ContractState) {
let mut world = self.world(@"ns");
// A dojo selector is computed from namespace and name.
// The namespace is already set by the `world` instance,
// so we just have to use the dojo name of the contract.
// Every contract has a `dojo_name` function available.
let current_contract_selector = world.contract_selector(
// Using the world dispatcher to call the world contract
// and verify that the resource (the current contract)
// is owned by the caller.
Events and Torii
Events are not stored onchain, they are indexed by Torii. And by default, events behave like models, which means only the latest state is kept. However, you may want sometimes to keep events historical as it's regurlarly for blockchain events.
To do so, nothing to change onchain, only one way to define events:
struct MyEvent {
id: u32,
data: felt252,
On the torii side, you can start it from the CLI or using a configuration file with the historical_events
options, by providing tags of events you want to keep historical.
torii start --events.historical ns-MyEvent,ns-MyOtherEvent --world 0x00e2ea9b5dd9804d13903edf712998943b7d5d606c139dd0f13eeb8f5b84da8d
Or using a configuration file in toml
world_address = "0x00e2ea9b5dd9804d13903edf712998943b7d5d606c139dd0f13eeb8f5b84da8d"
historical = ["ns-MyEvent", "ns-MyOtherEvent"]
Currently, Dojo is still only supporting the cairo-test
test runner. Soon starknet-foundry
will be unlocked once scarb
and cairo-lang
merge some missing features.
In the meantime, here's how you can test your contracts. As we've seen, resources like contracts, models and events are namespaced, so you have to specify the namespace you want to use when testing.
Before starting to test, here's the flow that Sozo
follows to migrate a world:
- First of all,
will migrate the world itself. - Then,
will register all the resources. Registering the resources means that all models/events/contracts will be declared and deployed onchain. None of those contracts are using constructor calldata, henceSozo
can deploy them without prior inputs. All resources are registered to the world and deployed through the world contract. - Once all the resources are registered,
will synchronize the permissions that are given in thedojo_<profile>.json
file. - Finally,
will initialize all the contracts. Since the contracts initialization function is very likely to interact with models, at this point all permissions are synchronized and the world is ready to use.
This is important to keep this in mind, since the testing flow must be similar to the migration flow.
Now, let's move on to testing. First, you have to use the dojo_cairo_test
crate to use dojo utilities in your tests.
# Scarb.toml
dojo_cairo_test = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/dojo.git", tag = "v1.0.0" }
To define some namespace configurations you will use the NamespaceDef and associated definitions:
use dojo::model::{ModelStorage, ModelValueStorage, ModelStorageTest};
use dojo::world::WorldStorageTrait;
use dojo_cairo_test::{
spawn_test_world, NamespaceDef, TestResource, ContractDefTrait,
ContractDef, WorldStorageTestTrait
// First to note here, Dojo is generating contracts for each model
// and event.
// The name of this generated contract is always the resource name,
// prefixed by "m_" or "e_" respectively.
use dojo_starter::models::{
Position, m_Position, Moves, m_Moves, Direction
Then, for each resource, you can add them to a specific namespace. Once again, the same model or event type can be registered multiple times into different namespaces, which will yield different resources.
// Here we map the resource to the namespace "ns".
// They will be used to register the resources to the world.
fn namespace_def() -> NamespaceDef {
let ndef = NamespaceDef {
namespace: "ns", resources: [
Let's then prepare some contracts definitions defined here:
// Here, we have one contract, and we define at this step
// the permission of the contract and initialization data (if any).
fn contract_defs() -> Span<ContractDef> {
ContractDefTrait::new(@"ns", @"actions")
// .with_init_calldata
// .with_owner_of
Once you have a namespace definition and contracts definitions, you can spawn a test world with it. The function spawn_test_world
will register all the resources and return a world instance we've seen previously.
fn test_world_test_set() {
let ndef = namespace_def();
let mut world = spawn_test_world([ndef].span());
// At this point, the resources are registered, but permissions
// are not set and contracts are not initialized
// (dojo_init has not be called).
// At this point, permissions are synchronized and
// contracts are initialized.
By having the registration of the resources and the synchronization of the permissions/init separated, you can easily separate tests functions to setup the world at your will to test different scenarios.
As you remember, the resources are also permissioned. In some occasions, you may want to interact with the world bypassing the permission check. For this, you can use the test_only
let m = MyModel { id: 1, value: 123 };
// Bypass any permission check, and will write into the world's storage.
The configuration of your dojo project is now fully managed by a dojo configuration file alongside the Scarb.toml
manifest file.
This ease the profile management and regroup all the functionalities at the same place.
You can find detailed information about the configuration file here.
Sozo has changed to be more robust and 100% stateless for the migration. All the data required to compute diffs and migration strategy are locally built or onchain.
As you remember, Dojo is profile based. Hence, the build and migration must respond to the profile. To specify a profile, use -P
or --profile
Basic commands:
# Builds a project.
sozo build
# Inspects the current state of the project by comparing local
# and remote resources.
# Inspect the full world.
sozo inspect
# Inspect a specific resource.
sozo inspect <RESOURCE_TAG>
# Migrate all the resources to the remote state.
# Generates a `manifest_<PROFILE>.json` file.
sozo migrate
If you change a permission, you just have to run sozo migrate
again and the permissions will be updated.
We recommend using sozo inspect
instead of reading output of migration or the build. The inspect
commands gives you summary of the world or specific resource. Use it at your advantage.
Sozo useful commands
Sozo provides different commands to help you manage your world.
# Inspect the current state of the project by comparing local
# and remote resources.
sozo inspect
# To enable the debugging experience on Walnut and verify your project, run:
sozo walnut verify
# Computes selectors on the fly and different hashes results,
# useful for entity_id computation too.
sozo hash ns-actions
sozo hash 1,2,3,4
sozo hash hello
# Gathers all the events of the world and output the changes in
# model storage in the terminal + transaction hash and block number.
sozo events
# Sometimes, you may want to introspect a model from the chain without
# using Torii indexed data.
# You can inspect the schema of a model from the chain directly by using
# the following command:
sozo model schema dojo_starter-Position
struct Position {
player: ContractAddress,
vec: Vec2,
struct Vec2 {
x: u32,
y: u32,
# You can also inspect the storage state of a model providing the keys,
# as you remember the keys are used to identify the entity_id
# which defined the storage slot of the model.
sozo model get dojo_starter-Position 0x123
player : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123,
vec : {
x : 0,
y : 0
# As a reminder, keys are never stored! For this reason,
# the value of the key will ALWAYS be the same as the one provided.
# Manage the permissions of the world from the command line,
# start by listing them:
sozo auth list
# Grant/revoke a owner/writer to any resource:
sozo auth grant owner ns,0x1234 ns-Position,ns-c1
# Clone all the resources `0xa` has to `0xb`:
sozo auth clone --from 0xa --to 0xb
# You can optionally revoke all the resource of `from`
# while doing the clone:
sozo auth clone --from 0xa --to 0xb --revoke-from
Road to mainnet
Mainnet is a network with a huge history and thousands of blocks. Currently, some nodes are not supported syncing the events providing block ranges that are too wide. For this reason, when you target mainnet, you should do the following:
# Build the project.
sozo build --profile mainnet
# Migrate the project.
sozo migrate --profile mainnet
During the migration, sozo will output the block at which the world has been migrated and the address of the world at the end of the migration:
đ World deployed at block 821000 with txn hash: 0x038e984efa3e91e045b33d14e63c5e9f765e5a8fe2b3546fc3ab872f608e37a2
âŠī¸ Migration successful with world at address 0x00e2ea9b5dd9804d13903edf712998943b7d5d606c139dd0f13eeb8f5b84da8d
To ensure the nodes serving mainnet data are accepting Sozo
requests, you must set the world_block
key in the dojo_<profile>.json
Also, once the first migration of your world is done and you have a world address, you must set the world_address
to ensure Sozo
can easily detect upgrade of Dojo in the future.
# .. other configs
world_block = 821000
world_address = 0x00e2ea9b5dd9804d13903edf712998943b7d5d606c139dd0f13eeb8f5b84da8d
Breaking changes
Currently those are the breaking changes:
- Macros
are currently not supported. They may be added again in the future. - When working with contracts, the
is no longer automatically injected. You must use regular starknet interfaces andself
. - World's metadata are not uploaded yet, this should be added back soon.
- You must remove
and use[[target.starknet-contract]]
instead, not forgetting to add the dojo world in thebuild-external-contracts
. - Overlays files and intermediate manifests that were before produced can be deleted, they are no longer used.
- The
API has changed, please refer to the new one here. - Katana has a different CLI arguments, please refer to
katana --help
for more details at the moment. - Use transaction v3 by default paying in STRK, you must specify
--fee eth
if you want to use transaction v1 paying in ETH. - Event messages are toggles historical from Torii, no longer from the chain using
#[dojo::event(historical = true)]