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Events play a pivotal role in decoding the dynamics of a Dojo world. Every time there's an update to a model, the world contract emits events.

What's even more exciting is that you can craft your own custom events to fit specific needs! Moreover, thanks to model's introspection and Torii, all these events are seamlessly indexed, ensuring easy and efficient querying.

Custom Events

Within your game, emitting custom events can be highly beneficial. Fortunately, there's a handy emit_event api that lets you release events directly from your world. These events are indexed by Torii.

There are two kind of Custom Events with different use-cases.

Using dojo::event

These events are acting like 'off-chain' storage and derive Model which allows Torii to easily parse them. Since it's a Model it must have a least a #[key] and any type used inside the model must derive Introspect.

For example we will declare a PlayerStatus struct to keep track of player mood.

  • We don't need this information onchain.
  • We don't want to historize PlayerStatus changes, just keep track of the current/latest PlayerStatus.
#[derive(Copy, Drop, Introspect)]
struct Mood {
#[derive(Copy, Drop, Serde)]
struct PlayerMood {
    player: ContractAddress,
    mood: Mood,

Emit the PlayerMood event:

world.emit_event(@PlayerMood { player, mood: Mood::Happy });

Each time a PlayerMood event is emitted, the PlayerMood Model indexed by Torii will reflect the lasted mood.


Now a full example using a custom event:

fn move(ref self: ContractState, direction: Direction) {
    let player = get_caller_address();
    let mut position: Position = world.read_model(player);
    let mut moves: Moves = world.read_model(player);
    moves.remaining -= 1;
    moves.last_direction = direction;
    let next = next_position(position, direction);
    world.emit_event(@Moved { address, direction });

Events emitted by the world

Here's a breakdown of the events emitted by the world:

enum Event {
    WorldSpawned: WorldSpawned,
    ContractDeployed: ContractDeployed,
    ContractUpgraded: ContractUpgraded,
    WorldUpgraded: WorldUpgraded,
    MetadataUpdate: MetadataUpdate,
    ModelRegistered: ModelRegistered,
    StoreSetRecord: StoreSetRecord,
    StoreDelRecord: StoreDelRecord,
    WriterUpdated: WriterUpdated,
    OwnerUpdated: OwnerUpdated,
    ConfigEvent: Config::Event,
    StateUpdated: StateUpdated


The WorldSpawned event is emitted when the world is spawned (deployed).


The WorldUpgraded event is emitted when the world is upgraded to a new class hash (the address of the world remains the same).


The ContractDeployed event is emitted when a Dojo contract is deployed. The deployment is managed by the world itself.


The ContractUpgraded event is emitted when a Dojo contract is upgraded to a new class hash (the address of such Dojo contract remains the same).


The MetadataUpdate event is emitted when the metadata of a resource (world, Dojo contract, Dojo model) is updated.


The ModelRegistered event is emitted when a model is registered in the world, which contains all the information about the model including it's type layout.


The StoreSetRecord event is emitted when a model is updated in the world's store using the set! macro.


The StoreDelRecord event is emitted when a model is deleted from the world's store using the delete! macro.


The WriterUpdated event is emitted when the writer permission on a model has changed.


The OwnerUpdated event is emitted when the owner permission on a model has changed.


The ConfigEvent event is emitted when the configuration related to Saya settlement is updated.


The StateUpdated event is emitted when the state from a shard execution is settled on the world after proof verification using Saya.