- Create a local Starknet sequencer for deploying and developing Starknet smart contracts.
General Options
Don't print anything on startup.
Disable auto and interval mining, and mine on demand instead via an endpoint.
-b, --block-time <MILLISECONDS>
Block time in milliseconds for interval mining.
--db-dir <PATH>
Directory path of the database to initialize from.
--messaging <PATH>
Configure the messaging with an other chain.
-V, --version
Print version information.
-h, --help
Print help (see more with '--help').
Server Options
--http.addr <ADDRESS>
HTTP-RPC server listening interface. [default:]
--http.port <PORT>
HTTP-RPC server listening port. [default: 5050]
--http.corsdomain <HTTP_CORS_ORIGINS>
Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests.
--rpc.max-connections <COUNT>
Maximum number of concurrent connections allowed. [default: 100]
Logging Options
--log.format <FORMAT>
Log format to use. [default: full] [possible values: json, full]
Metrics Options
Enable metrics.
--metrics.addr <ADDRESS>
The metrics will be served at the given address. [default:]
--metrics.port <PORT>
The metrics will be served at the given port. [default: 9100]
Environment Options
--chain-id <CHAIN_ID>
The chain ID.
--validate-max-steps <VALIDATE_MAX_STEPS>
The maximum number of steps available for the account validation logic. [default: 1000000]
--invoke-max-steps <INVOKE_MAX_STEPS>
The maximum number of steps available for the account execution logic. [default: 10000000]
--genesis <GENESIS>
The genesis configuration file.
Gas Price Oracle Options
--gpo.l1-eth-gas-price <WEI>
The L1 ETH gas price (denominated in wei). [default: 0]
--gpo.l1-strk-gas-price <FRI>
The L1 STRK gas price (denominated in fri). [default: 0]
--gpo.l1-eth-data-gas-price <WEI>
The L1 ETH data gas price (denominated in wei). [default: 0]
--gpo.l1-strk-data-gas-price <FRI>
The L1 STRK data gas price (denominated in fri). [default: 0]
Forking Options
--fork.provider <URL>
The RPC URL of the network to fork from.
--fork.block <BLOCK>
Fork the network at a specific block id, can either be a hash (0x-prefixed) or a block number.
Explorer Options
An explorer will be served for your katana node.
--explorer.addr <ADDRESS>
The address to run the explorer frontedn on. [default:]
--explorer.port <PORT>
The port to run the explorer frontend on. [default: 3001]
Development Options
Enable development mode.
--dev.seed <SEED>
Specify the seed for randomness of accounts to be predeployed. [default: 0]
--dev.accounts <NUM>
Number of pre-funded accounts to generate. [default: 10]
Disable charging fee when executing transactions.
Disable account validation when executing transactions.
Slot Options
--config <CONFIG>
Configuration file.